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January 2023 YouTube Roundup

The new year has rung in with force! Here in the Career Center, we’ve been busy as bees, assisting patrons through one-on-one guidance, seminars, blogposts. . . .and of course, YouTube videos. Check out our newest offerings here:

Resources for ex-offenders PLAYLIST

HOW ex-offenders can answer, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”

Employers want to see that you can think ahead and plan for the future. This is especially true for the formerly incarcerated, since it gives you a chance to prove that you’re serious about staying out of trouble. In this video, Career Specialist Lynnette Lee and guest presenter David Laatsch demonstrate how you can discuss your goals, aspirations, and plans to showcase your commitment and rehabilitation.

common job applications PLAYLIST

How to apply for a job at costco

Warehouse chain Costco has a reputation for treating its employees well. In this video, Career Specialist Karla Stewart aims to help you become one of those well-treated employees by demonstrating the step-by-step process for completing the Costco application.

THIS MONTH’S SPOTLIGHT: THE resumes before and after PLAYLIST

In this collection of short videos, our Certified Professional Resume Writers demonstrate common resume mistakes and ways to fix them. Each video features a real (anonymized) resume we received for review – the “before” – and the improved version of the resume we created – the “after.”

Written by Lynnette Lee
