Library Meeting Rooms

Meeting Rooms are available at all locations of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library System. Information on the size of the meeting rooms and accommodations at each library can be found here (Step 1).

The primary purpose of library meeting rooms is to provide space for activities and programs related to the Libraryโ€™s Mission and Vision. When not required for library purposes, meeting rooms may be scheduled free-of-charge by non-profits, local community organizations and governmental agencies, subject to the approval of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library Meeting Room Committee.

The Library is committed to making spaces available to the public on a fair and equitable basis regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. We support free reservable spaces in libraries throughout East Baton Rouge Parish where groups can come together to learn and exchange information and ideas in a commercial-free environment.

In order to use the meeting rooms, organizations must make application in accordance with the directions and guidelines outlined in this policy. Contact information and meeting schedules must be updated annually in December. We strongly encourage groups to make their application online and we will be happy to assist you in the process.

meeting room pre-approval process

The Meeting Room Pre-approval is a three step process:

  1. Please review the list of facilities below to see if the location, size, and available equipment will meet your needs
  2. Take a moment to read the meeting room procedures and policies
  3. Fill out the pre-approval application and click ‘Submit’

Here is what equipment and rooms are available for public use at each library branch:

Main Library

7711 Goodwood Boulevard
Baton Rouge, LA 70806

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 9:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 9:00 pm

1 large meeting room which accomodates 300 people.

300 chairs and 50 movable tables. Hospitality room contains a refrigerator/freezer, ice machine, microwave oven, and sink.


Special projection system
Speakers, sound system
Blu-ray player
Lighting schemes
Podium microphone and 8 wireless microphones

Conference Room 102 can accommodate 35 people. 35 Chairs and 8 tables.


Lectern & microphone
Sound system

Conference Room A can accommodate 20 people. Fixed table with 20 chairs.


Monitor in-room with hdmi cables available for checkout at Circulation Desk
Dry erase board with markers and erasers available at Reference Desk.

Conference Room B can accommodate 24 people. Fixed table with 24 chairs.


Monitor in-room with hdmi cables available for checkout at Circulation Desk.
Dry erase board with markers and erasers available at Reference Desk.

Baker Branch Library

3501 Groom Road
Baker, LA 70714

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

1 Meeting Room which will accommodate 100 people. Space can be divided into two separate rooms: Room 1, 50 people; Room 2, 50 people. Screens are available in each room. Tables are available. Each room has a microwave, refrigerator and sink.


Lectern & Microphone
DVD/VCR with monitor and HDMI/VGA connection
Dry erase easel
Display Cases – 1 wall display case 70″x 42″ with 8″ deep shelves that are adjustable and removable.
2 free-standing cases are 27’x 57″x 8″deep.
Gallery – 164 linear feet in length.

Bluebonnet Regional Branch Library

9200 Bluebonnet Boulevard
Baton Rouge, LA 70810

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 9:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

1 large Meeting Room which will accommodate 270 people. (Space can be divided into 3 rooms) Room 1, 60 people; Room 2, 60 people; Room 3, 60 people. Kitchenette with a microwave, refrigerator, and sink.


Lectern & Microphone
DVD/VCR with monitor and HDMI/VGA connection

Carver Branch Library

720 Terrace Street
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

1 Meeting Room which will accommodate 100 people. Space can be divided into two separate rooms: Room 1, 50 people; Room 2, 50 people. Screens are available in both rooms. Tables are available. Meeting room has a sink, dorm-sized refrigerator, and microwave.


DVD/VCR with monitor and HDMI/VGA connection
Display Case – 1 free-standing case.

Central Branch Library

11260 Joor Rd
Baton Rouge, LA 70818

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

1 Meeting Room which will accommodate 100 people Space can be divided into two separate rooms: Room 1, 60 people; Room 2, 40 people. Screens are available in Room 1. Tables are available. Meeting room area has a sink.


Lectern & Microphone
DVD/VCR with monitor and HDMI/VGA connection
Dry erase easel
Display Cases – 4 free-standing cases 64″x 33″x 14″ with shelves that are adjustable and removable. 2 free-standing cases are 57″x 27″ x 8″deep.

Delmont Gardens Branch Library

3351 Lorraine St
Baton Rouge, LA 70805

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

1 Meeting Room which will accommodate 100 people. Space can be divided into two separate rooms: Room 1, 50 people; Room 2, 50 people. Screen is available in Room 1. Tables are available. Meeting room area has a sink, refrigerator and microwave.


Lectern & Microphone
DVD/VCR with monitor and HDMI/VGA connection
Display Cases – 3 free-standing cases.

Eden Park Branch Library

5131 Greenwell Springs Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70806

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

1 large Meeting Room that can accommodate 93 people. Space can be divided into two rooms. Each room accommodates 46 people. Tables are available. Each room has a projection screen and a kitchen area with microwave, refrigerator and sink.


  • DVD/VCR with monitor and HDMI/VGA connection
  • Podium with Microphone
  • Display Case – 1 glass case

Fairwood Branch Library

12910 Old Hammond Hwy.
Baton Rouge, LA 70816

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Meeting Room 1 will accomodate 40 people has a screen for presentations. Meeting room 2 will accomodate 30 people and has a sink, microwave, and refrigerator.


  • Large Screen TV
  • DVD Player and HDMI/VGA connection
  • Lecturn with microphone
  • Dry erase easel
  • 2 Free standing display cases: 24″ x 24″ x 35″

Greenwell Springs Road Regional Branch Library

11300 Greenwell Springs Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70814

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 9:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

1 large Meeting Room that can accommodate 200 people.

Space can be divided into two rooms, with a capacity of 100 people each. Each room has a projection screen and a kitchenette with a microwave, refrigerator and sink.

3 conference rooms that accommodate 12 people each
1 computer training lab that can accomodate 30 people
2 collaborative study rooms that can accommodate 4 people each
1 Programming and Study Room in the Teen section
2 Maker Spaces with audio/visual equipment, button maker, sewing machine, a green screen, Cricut, and heat press


  • Microphone
  • Blackboard/dry-erase board
  • DVD/VCR with monitor and HDMI/VGA connection
  • Display Cases – 3 cases 27 ยฝ” x 10″; 2 foyer cases 69″ x 41″ x 11″ deep.
  • Gallery – Three panels 23′ x 14′ high

Other Branch Equipment:

  • Slat Wall Art Gallery 82″ high split into two sections, 82″ and 200″ wide
  • Two Glass Display Towers 24″ wide by 24″ deep with 70″ of vertical space
  • Vending area with drink and snack machines

Jones Creek Regional Library

6222 Jones Creek Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70816

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 9:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm โ€“ 6:00 pm

1 Large Conference Room that can accommodate 300 people

Space can be divided into three rooms, each with a capacity of 100 people. Each room is equipped with a projection screen. Tables are available. Meeting area has a microwave, refrigerator and sink.

1 small conference room that can accommodate 20 people

5 collaborative study rooms in the adult section

2 collaborative study rooms in the teen section

3 collaborative study rooms in the children’s section

1 maker space with audio equipment, 3d printer, sewing machine, serger, and Cricut

  • Floor and table microphones
  • DVD/VCR with monitor (2) and HDMI/VGA connection
  • Projector screens in Meeting Rooms 1, 2 and 3
  • Lectern

Other branch equipment:

Gallery – 27’6″ x 7′ high; 2 walls 8′ x 6’9″ high; 2 walls 22’4″ x 9’6″ high; 2 walls 16′ x 9’6″ high.

Pride-Chaneyville Branch Library

13600 Pride-Port Hudson Road
Pride, LA 70770

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

1 Conference Room that can accommodate 75 people. Room is equipped with a projection screen. Tables are available. Meeting area has a microwave, refrigerator and sink


  • Lectern & Microphone
  • DVD/VCR with monitor and HDMI/VGA connection

River Center Branch Library

250 North Boulevard
Baton Rouge, LA 70802

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

1 meeting room which will accommodate 200 people


  • Dual projector system with retractable screens
  • Smart podium with microphone plus 6 wireless microphones
  • Speakers, sound system
  • Lighting controls
  • 35 moveable tables 72″ x 18″ and 200 stackable chairs
  • 6 tables 30″ x 60″
  • 12 table rounds (seats 8 each) and 10 highboys available upon request
  • 4th floor hospitality room contains refridgerator/freezer, ice machine, microwave, and sink

2 conference rooms that accommodate 30 people per room


  • Monitor
  • Whiteboard
  • 9 tables 60″ x 30″
  • Conference chairs
  • A side counter is also located in this room

1 video conference room that accommodates 30 people


  • Video conferencing capabilities
  • Monitor
  • 9 tables 60″ x 30″
  • Conference chairs
  • A side counter is also located in this room

3rd floor Collaborative Study Room 3A


  • Fixed table with 8 chairs
  • Whiteboard

3rd floor Collaborative Study Room 3C


  • Fixed table with 8 chairs
  • Monitor
  • Whiteboard

Scotlandville temporarily unavailable due to Construction

7373 Scenic Highway
Baton Rouge, LA 70807

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 8:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

1 Meeting Room which will accommodate 100 people Space can be divided into two separate rooms: Room 1, 50 people; Room 2, 50 people. Tables are available. Meeting room has a microwave, refrigerator and sink.


  • Microphone
  • DVD/VCR with monitor and HDMI/VGA connection
  • Gallery – 60 linear feet in length.

Zachary Branch Library

1900 Church St.
Zachary, LA 70791

Hours: Mon – Thu, 9:00 am – 9:00 pm; Fri – Sat, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm; Sun, 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

1 Meeting Room which will accommodate 100 people Space can be divided into two separate rooms: Room 1, 50 people; Room 2, 50 people. Projection screens are available in each room. Tables are available. Each room has a microwave, refrigerator and sink.


  • Paper pad easel
  • Lectern & Microphone
  • Dry erase easel
  • DVD/VCR with monitor and HDMI/VGA connection
  • Display Cases – 2 cases: 57″ wide; 9 ยผ” deep; and 27″ high. Lobby case: 64″ wide; 9″ deep; 45″ high.
  • Gallery – east gallery 40.8 linear feet in length; west gallery 38.8 linear feet in length.

Please review the following policies and procedures.

meeting room procedures

contact person for your group

On the application for use of the Libraryโ€™s meeting rooms, your organization provides the Library with the name of one person who will serve as liaison to the Library. All information from the Library will be sent to that person. It is important that we have accurate information on each contact person listed, in case of an unforeseen event or closure of the Library. Please notify the Library immediately at 231-3708 or email if the liaison or the contacts of your group change.

reserving library meeting rooms

Only the liaison of your organization listed on your groupโ€™s application is allowed to reserve library meeting rooms. Committees and other groups are allowed to meet, even if officers may not be present. However, only the designated individuals will be allowed to reserve rooms. To verify the names currently on file at the library, or for scheduling problems, call the Main Library Meeting Room Office at 231-3708 or

Signing in for Use of the Meeting Rooms

Groups that are meeting at the Library are required to sign in before their meetings and sign out at the end of the meetings. Forms are available at the Circulation Desk. The representative of the group will be asked to sign their name, give the time the group came and left, and the total number of people in attendance.

publicity on meetings held at the library

Groups must notify the Library if they are having a speaker that they are advertising in the newspaper, on radio or television, or through posted announcements. The group liaison should discuss the program with the Meeting Room Office at the Main Library or with the Head of the Branch Library where the group will meet.

Copies of all publicity that your organization sends to the print, radio, or television media about any meetings to be held at the Library should be sent to:

Public Relations
East Baton Rouge Parish Library
7711 Goodwood Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70806

meeting room policy


The primary purpose of library meeting rooms is to provide space for activities and programs related to the Libraryโ€™s Mission and Vision. When not required for library purposes, meeting rooms may be scheduled free-of-charge by non-profits, local community organizations and governmental agencies, subject to the approval of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library Meeting Room Committee.

The Library is committed to making spaces available to the public on a fair and equitable basis regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. We support free reservable spaces in libraries throughout East Baton Rouge Parish where groups can come together to learn and exchange information and ideas in a commercial-free environment.


The following definitions are applied to the spaces that may be reserved for use by the public. Use regulations may vary depending on the type of space and purpose the space is reserved for.

Meeting Rooms: Meeting rooms can be configured in different ways to meet the needs of different types of groups. Best suited for programs and events. Room sizes vary. Maximum room capacities range from 21-195.

Conference Rooms: Conference rooms have less flexibility than meeting rooms. Conference room configuration may be fixed. Room sizes vary. Maximum room capacities range from 10-24.

Collaborative/Study Rooms: (Can be booked by 14+ library In-Parish card holders in good standing on a first-come-first-served basis.) Collaborative/study rooms have fixed room configurations and are designed for small group conversations, collaborative work, and study. Room sizes vary. Maximum room capacities range from 4 -10.

Digital Lab: Our digital labs are available at the Main Library, Greenwell Springs, and River Center Library, and have fixed room configurations and number of computers. They are designed for instructional purposes. Sizes may vary by location. Maximum capacities range from 12-25.

MakerSpaces: MakerSpaces are available to book through a separate space management software and are limited to patrons who have completed the required badging classes. (Can be booked by 14+ library In-Parish card holders in good standing.) See MakerSpace User Agreement for additional information. Sizes vary by location.

Rental Venues: Three specific spaces at the Main Library and five specific spaces at the River Center Library may be reserved for a fee. These spaces can be booked for commercial or private use and offer additional services and more available hours than any of the other reservable places.


Rooms throughout the East Baton Rouge Parish Library are reserved free of charge. Fees are assessed for additional services provided and for the rental venues at the Main Library at Goodwood and River Center Library.

Pending room availability, fees may be waived for government entities, local non-profits, the East Baton Rouge Parish Library Board, and the Patrons of the Public Library.

commercial or non-traditional use

Commercial or non-traditional use will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Groups or individuals who wish to reserve a room for private, social, commercial, or promotional use must use the Libraryโ€™s online form to request the use of library facilities. Such use is limited to specific locations and circumstances; rental fees will be assessed. Approval will depend on the Library’s capacity to manage the event, as well as how closely the event aligns with the Library’s Mission and Vision.

With prior approval, use of Library Meeting Rooms for events such as ticketed luncheons or fund raisers during normal Library Hours is free to local non-profits, unless extra costs are associated with the event. All after-hours events will be charged based on the Libraryโ€™s rental fee rates; a fee schedule will be provided upon request.

commercial events approved for occasional bookings:

Commercial Events approved for occasional bookings:

  • Informational seminars to promote a product or business
  • Training meetings for staff of a commercial business
  • Depositions
  • Job fairs
  • Sales expos

Private, Social Events such as weddings, graduations, reunions, showers, and โ€œpartiesโ€ are PROHIBITED.

The fact that the East Baton Rouge Parish Library and the Library Board of Control have authorized a group to meet in the Library does not constitute endorsement or sponsorship of the organization or the views expressed by the group as a whole or by individual participants. Any and all promotional material, including print fliers, postcards, social media posts, or other print, digital, or mainstream media marketing material, MUST include the following statement:

“This program is not sponsored or endorsed by the East Baton Rouge Parish Library.”

Use of the libraryโ€™s logo is prohibited on any and all promotional material without written permission from Library Administration.

reservations and use limitations

The public website describes the specific spaces and times that are reservable. Reservable times typically coincide with open library hours. Reservations for the rental venues at the Main Library and the River Center Library may extend beyond normal hours. Additional information on reservations can be found in the Public Space Use Agreement including how far in advance rooms may be reserved.

Priority for reserving rooms will be given in the following order:

  1. Library sponsored and co-sponsored programs and activities
  2. City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge departments and units
  3. Community Groups as described above

The Library reserves the right to revoke permission to use a space by other entities if the room is needed for Library or City-Parish use. Alternate locations will be sought as needed.

Patrons must review and agree to the Public Space Use Agreement before a reservation request can be approved.

In order to provide access to a wide audience of users, the Library may limit the number of confirmed reservations for any individual or group.

With prior approval groups or individuals may sell books and other products if the activity supplements the meeting and is not a requirement for attendance.

The person reserving the space determines the intended audience for the gathering. Scheduled reservations are posted at the location and/or via the public website.

Public meeting rooms, conference rooms, and collaborative rooms will also be made available in person on a drop-in, first-come-first-served basis.


Patrons will comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Library policies. Patrons are responsible for using library spaces in accordance with the established public use agreement. Future reservations may be denied if the patron does not comply with the Public Space Use Agreement.

The contact person for the reservation is liable for any damage to facilities and furnishings. The contact person shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless East Baton Rouge Parish Library, its officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, suits, actions of any kind, arising and resulting and accruing from a negligent act, omission or error of the group resulting in or relating to personal injuries or property damage arising from the use of library spaces.

Library staff are responsible for interpreting and applying this and the associated library policy in daily practice. The Assistant Library Director of Administrative Services (or designee) is responsible for working to resolve disputes that may arise over the reservation and use of library spaces.

The East Baton Rouge Parish Library Meeting Room Policy was adopted by the East Baton Rouge Parish Library Board of Control on March 17, 1999
Revised on June 26, 2007
Revised on April 16, 2015
Revised on October 20, 2022

public use space agreement

The primary purpose of library meeting rooms is to provide space for activities and programs related to the Libraryโ€™s Mission and Vision. When not required for library purposes, meeting rooms may be scheduled free-of-charge by non-profits, local community organizations and governmental agencies, subject to the approval of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library Meeting Room Committee.

The Library is committed to making spaces available to the public on a fair and equitable basis regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use. We support free reservable spaces in libraries throughout East Baton Rouge Parish where groups can come together to learn and exchange information and ideas in a commercial-free environment.

Meeting Room Rules

  • Groups must comply with stated occupancy limits for each space.
  • The Library does not provide storage space for individuals or organizations.
  • The Library must not be used as the official address or headquarters of any group or organization.
  • Youth organizations must always have an adult sponsor present.
  • Standard fire code regulations prohibit any open flames, burning candles, and flammable, combustible, and hazardous materials in the Library.
  • Possession and/or use of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances in or on library property are prohibited except with written permission of Library Administration and possession of appropriate legal limits.
  • Gambling in any form is prohibited; smoking and other uses of tobacco are prohibited throughout the Library.
  • Authors may promote and sell their works at announced “Author Book Premiere Parties” or “Autograph Parties.”
  • If an emergency requires closing the Library, every effort will be made to notify contact person/s for the group. When the Library reopens, reservations will be honored as scheduled.


The fact that the East Baton Rouge Parish Library and the Library Board of Control have authorized a group to meet in the Library does not constitute endorsement or sponsorship of the organization or the views expressed by the group as a whole or by individual participants.

All promotional material, including print fliers, postcards, social media posts, or other print, digital, or mainstream media marketing material, MUST include the following statement:

“This program is not sponsored or endorsed by the East Baton Rouge Parish Library.”

Use of the libraryโ€™s logo is prohibited on all promotional material without written permission from Library Administration.


  • Groups wishing to book more than six months in advance must provide current contact information annually.
  • It is the intent of these policies to prohibit any one group or organization from monopolizing the use of the meeting rooms.
  • Meeting rooms can only be requested by an East Baton Rouge Parish Library card holder that is:
    • A resident of East Baton Rouge Parish
    • Adult 18+
      • Collaborative/Study Rooms can be booked by youth 14+ on a first-come-first-served basis only
    • Patrons suspended from the Library are ineligible
    • Library card must be current and in good standing
  • The Assistant Director of Administrative Services is responsible for working to resolve disputes that may arise over the reservation and use of library rooms.

patron responsiblities

  • The applicant organization is responsible for reasonable care of the meeting rooms, furnishings, and servery areas (where available), and is financially responsible for damages to facilities, equipment, or contents.
  • Groups are responsible for setting up the meeting rooms for their own use and returning the room to its regular room set-up.
  • Meetings will be scheduled to allow time for set-up and take-down. Use of library furniture, special equipment, audiovisual and public address equipment, and other systems must be scheduled in advance.
  • The organization must leave the meeting rooms in an orderly condition. The organization must remove any clutter and trash caused by its activities. Trash containers and/or trash bags will be made available.
  • The following may not be used:
    • Candles or open flame (cans of sterno are allowed, as long as they are monitored)
    • Incense
    • Helium balloons of any kind
    • Tape, tacks, nails or other fasteners on the walls, doors, furniture, or windows
  • Programs and exhibits may not disrupt the use of the Library by others. People attending the meeting are subject to the Libraryโ€™s Code of Conduct.
  • If the group must cancel the use of a meeting room, the contact person must notify the Library at least 24 hours in advance either by phone or using the online reservation software. Failure to do so three times may result in suspension of future room privileges.
  • The meeting rooms may be used only during the hours the Library is open and should conclude at least 30 minutes prior to closing. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the locationโ€™s manager. When exceptions are made, a minimum of ten people is required to warrant the expense of operating the facility.
  • No admittance fees, other fees or donations may be charged or solicited by the user for any program or exhibit. Solicitation for later sales and client contact is not allowed.

reserving a space

  • Patrons must complete the online space reservation application form and agree to the Public Meeting Spaces Use Agreement.
  • Choose a room from the list of available rooms and submit a reservation request online.
  • Applicants must be 18 years of age or older to reserve meeting rooms.
    • Library staff will reserve collaborative/study rooms for walk-in patrons under 14+.
  • Groups may request reservations six months before the proposed meeting date. Groups who meet on a continuous schedule, must go through the Libraryโ€™s application process, and once approved will be allowed to schedule up to one year in advance.
  • The Library reserves the right to reject any application. Rooms will not be available for use by groups or individuals who have demonstrated a history of unreliability, disruption of normal library operations or violation of any public space requirements.

equipment and furniture

  • Groups are not allowed to move the temporary walls.
  • Free Wi-Fi is available at all library locations. However, the Library cannot ensure that you will be able to make a wireless connection.
  • Groups may bring their own equipment. Staff are not available to provide AV equipment support during meetings.
    • The Library is not responsible for equipment, supplies or other items owned by a group and used in the library.
    • Groups wishing to set up an appointment before their reservation to test and connect to available equipment can make arrangements in advance with library staff.


  • Only light refreshments may be served, such as cookies, sandwiches, sack lunches, coffee, tea, and soft drinks; however, because of problems with permanent carpet stains, groups are not allowed to serve beverages that may stain the carpet.
  • Groups are responsible for providing their own supplies for serving food and drink.
  • Food preparation or cooking is not allowed.
  • You may arrange box lunch catering or food delivery.

If groups or individuals violate this policy in any way, the East Baton Rouge Parish Library Board of Control or the Library Director retain the right to cancel any subsequent approved bookings and suspend use of the meeting rooms by the group.

The Library will make every effort to honor all approved meeting room requests. However, the Library reserves the right to cancel any booking due to emergency or Library/ City-Parish need.

Application for Use of Meeting Rooms

The form below is for the preapproval process only. Scheduling events will be discussed via phone or email after the application is approved. Please do not request specific dates on this form.
Is this a new application or a renewal of a previously approved application?

Type of Organization (Check as many as apply)

Contact 1 Information

The Library requires complete information for the group’s primary and secondary Contacts. Contacts must have a valid email address and an East Baton Rouge Parish Library card in good standing.
Contact 1 Name(Required)
Contact 1 Address(Required)

Contact 2 Information

Contact 2 Name(Required)
Contact 2 Address(Required)