who we are

Formed in 1984, the Patrons of the Public Library (POPL) is a non-profit organization that supports the work of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library (EBRPL) and is comprised of citizens from the community who value educational, informational, cultural, and recreational institutions.

what we do

The Patrons volunteer their time to support programs like the annual Author/Illustrator Workshop, One Book One Community, and the Summer Reading Program. Additionally, Patrons raise funds by holding monthly gift book sales and offer financial assistance for events by purchasing materials not provided in the Library budget. 

why we need YOU

Today, more than ever before, the Library needs your support! Patrons work to assure proper funding and advocacy for the East Baton Rouge Parish Library. Through the efforts of the POPL, the East Baton Rouge Parish Library can continue to provide unique and essential services, events, and programs for our community. 

how can you get involved?

To learn more or become a POPL Member, visit Patrons of the Public Library

POPL membership dues:

  • Annual Member – $5.00
  • Supporting Member – $10.00
  • Life Member – $50.00

Memorials, recognitions, bequests, and other special gifts to POPL are tax deductible and greatly appreciated.

To become a member, please fill out the form below and submit it to popl.ebrpl@gmail.com.