Be an entrepreneur

Many jobseekers choose to go into business for themselves. There are a number of advantages – getting to be your own boss, set your own hours, and follow your own passions. Yet being responsible for an entire company – legally and financially – can be overwhelming. The links below are for helpful local organizations which can provide information and resources for small business owners. The Career Center also has a large collection of books about starting your own business, and these are available for checkout.

Baton Rouge Area Chamber (BRAC)
Information on BRAC Small Business Services as well as links to several other local organizations that help entrepreneurs.

Downtown Development District
A step-by-step plan for the legalities of starting a business in downtown Baton Rouge.

EBRPL Small Business Services
A thorough compilation of local resources for small business owners and entrepreneurs, containing links to resources inside the library and around the community. You can also email or call 225-231-3750 to schedule a consultation with a business librarian.

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East Baton Rouge Parish Library| image: women-entrepeneurship-image

Gale Business: Plan Builder
A step-by-step online planning tool for starting, managing and optimizing a business or nonprofit. Areas include: Entrepreneur Profile, Business Ideation, Break-Even Analysis, Business Plans, and Financial Projection. This database is available through the East Baton Rouge Parish Library.

Gale Business: Entrepreneurship
Links to a variety of resources for entrepreneurs, including news stories, magazine and scholarly journal articles, video tutorials, and helpful websites. Topics cover a vast range of entrepreneurial interests, including advertising, budgeting, franchising, health insurance, market research, and tax planning. This database is available through East Baton Rouge Parish Library.

Louisiana Technology Park (Nexus)
This company’s mission is “to accelerate the growth of high-potential technology-enabled companies by providing them with coaching, capital and connections.” It provides low-cost services and expert guidance to entrepreneurs.

LSU Innovation Park
Although located at LSU, this organization is open to all local entrepreneurs. It offers in-depth consultations on finances, operations, technology, and general business management.

Louisiana Alliance for Non-Profit Organizations (LANO)
Has a comprehensive guide to starting a nonprofit organization, as well as helpful networking resources.

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East Baton Rouge Parish Library| image: start-your-business-image-2

Stephenson Entrepreneurship Institute
This department of LSU seeks to “promote and foster entrepreneurial practices through education, outreach, and research.” Its Entrepreneurship Fellows Program provides networking and mentoring opportunities for selected students.

Urban League Women’s Business Resource Center
This resource aims to help minority- and women-owned businesses start, grow, and succeed. They provide business education workshops and interactive trainings, comprehensive business planning and support, loan packaging, business certifications, and assistance with operational streamlining, business financials and accounting.

Startup Grind
“Community connecting entrepreneurs” through regular mixers, conferences, and other events to provide support, advice, and networking opportunities for small business.

Young Entrepreneurs Academy of Baton Rouge
Students selected for this program receive training through the LSU School of Business, generate and register plans for their own startup businesses, and pitch their ideas to a panel in order to compete for funding.

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East Baton Rouge Parish Library| image: entrepreneur-image

SCORE of Baton Rouge
A nonprofit organization comprised of 70 local successful entrepreneurs. They offer free one-on-one mentoring for those involved with or looking to start a new business, in addition to numerous low-cost informational seminars. Their website also provides numerous free templates, guides, and articles on starting your own business.

Louisiana Small Business Development Center
Located on the campus of Southern University, this nonprofit organization provides individual consulting services, training programs/seminars, and information assistance to potential and existing small businesses throughout  Southeastern Louisiana.